JUPITER (nature, education and travel) now in Virgo (work, service and health), will spend a year traveling through this sign until next summer. Self-improvement is on the agenda. (Yes, this means getting serious about flossing daily, perfecting your Downward Dog and taking off those extra 10 pounds...)
The possibilities:
* Better health, diet and exercise routines and habits
* Decluttering and reorganizing for a healthier life/work balance
* Brushing up on employable skills and updating your resume
* A new job, teaching others at work or job advancement
* Receiving on-the-job training and possible travel through work
* Taking classes in holistic pursuits like herbology, preserves and bread-making
* Getting a new pet or learning to ride a horse
* Connecting with Nature, animals and crafts like knitting and needle point
* Possible travel to care for a convalescent
* Emphasizing Local, Green, GMO- and Pesticide-free food
* Developing your Inner Healer and teaching what you know
* Serving to help clean up and protect our environment
Expansive, spontaneous Jupiter meets nit-picky, perfectionistic Virgo. The Virgin stands for purity and wholesome living, while The Centaur leans toward overindulgence and a devil-may-care attitude! Ms. Neat & Tidy meets Mr. Leave a Trail of Crumbs, the original Oscar and Felix duo. Best-case scenario? A more disciplined approached to daily living with room for delicious guilt-free treats.
Better know your facts and figures now to win debates and sway people even if you ARE right! Both Jupiter and Virgo adore animals, reveling in the great outdoors, though task-oriented Virgo prefers to stick closer to home than free-wheeling Jupiter. Work you do now will pay off later. Teaching - by example - not preaching. Honing your expertise AND keeping your sense of humor, an unbeatable combo! Opportunities WILL come knocking - plus, your abs will look great!
SPECIAL NOTE: Healers and environmentalists, this is your year to strut your stuff. Your talents are greatly needed to help us realign our lives and planet as Nature intended. Let's not wait until 2027 until Jupiter travels this way again.
IN VICTORIA until November 30. Need an Astro-Consult or Holistic Nutrition Session? Private and group classes starting mid-Jan 2016. 604-240-8544.
* Better health, diet and exercise routines and habits
* Decluttering and reorganizing for a healthier life/work balance
* Brushing up on employable skills and updating your resume
* A new job, teaching others at work or job advancement
* Receiving on-the-job training and possible travel through work
* Taking classes in holistic pursuits like herbology, preserves and bread-making
* Getting a new pet or learning to ride a horse
* Connecting with Nature, animals and crafts like knitting and needle point
* Possible travel to care for a convalescent
* Emphasizing Local, Green, GMO- and Pesticide-free food
* Developing your Inner Healer and teaching what you know
* Serving to help clean up and protect our environment
Expansive, spontaneous Jupiter meets nit-picky, perfectionistic Virgo. The Virgin stands for purity and wholesome living, while The Centaur leans toward overindulgence and a devil-may-care attitude! Ms. Neat & Tidy meets Mr. Leave a Trail of Crumbs, the original Oscar and Felix duo. Best-case scenario? A more disciplined approached to daily living with room for delicious guilt-free treats.
Better know your facts and figures now to win debates and sway people even if you ARE right! Both Jupiter and Virgo adore animals, reveling in the great outdoors, though task-oriented Virgo prefers to stick closer to home than free-wheeling Jupiter. Work you do now will pay off later. Teaching - by example - not preaching. Honing your expertise AND keeping your sense of humor, an unbeatable combo! Opportunities WILL come knocking - plus, your abs will look great!
SPECIAL NOTE: Healers and environmentalists, this is your year to strut your stuff. Your talents are greatly needed to help us realign our lives and planet as Nature intended. Let's not wait until 2027 until Jupiter travels this way again.
IN VICTORIA until November 30. Need an Astro-Consult or Holistic Nutrition Session? Private and group classes starting mid-Jan 2016. 604-240-8544.