For the first time in history on July 14, 2015, NASA's New Horizon spacecraft flew within 7,800 miles of Pluto's surface. Icy Pluto is very small and very distant. So small, it was demoted to a Dwarf Planet in 2006. So distant, its farthest point from Earth is 4.67 billion miles and its nearest 2.66 billion miles. So small, Earth's Moon is 5 times its mass. So distant, it took New Horizon 9 years, 5 months and 25 days to get there.
This dwarf has a big heart - literally. New Horizon's probe recently captured a lovely heart shape over 1000 miles wide on its surface, the distance from Denver to Chicago. The black shadow below and to the left of the white heart has been dubbed 'The Whale'. These two shapes seem to illustrate Pluto's essence, the struggle to integrate dark and light in our psyches. Discovered in 1930, Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and the death, transformation and rebirth cycle recognized in all cultures.
When we take our first breaths, the electromagnetic frequencies of entities like Pluto are said to be encoded in our newborn bodies. If, for example, years later, orbiting Saturn crosses the place where Venus was at our birth, our lives on Earth reflect that. Imagine: a planet travels over a point where another was 38 years ago and it somehow affects us today. The further away the planet, the longer we feel its effects. Slow moving Pluto takes 248 years to complete its orbit.
Perhaps this gigantic heart on Pluto's surface is a clue, because nothing in space seems to have more impact on our lives than the Dwarf Planet. When Pluto affects a natal planet, the area that planet represents undergoes major renovation. If Mars, the lessons might include: tempering our ego; releasing repressed anger; treating our bodies better; being less selfish; rejuvenating our sex lives; facing our deepest fears; learning to be alone; starting scary new ventures. Getting real about what we truly want. It's a lot to ask! When the dust settles a year later, we have vanquished those dark shadows. We are stronger, more direct and more focused. The price Pluto extracts is having to let go.
With the precision of a surgeon's knife, Pluto cuts away what has atrophied in our lives. People. Beliefs. Jobs. Fears. Possessions. Habits. It's time to grow as the snake does by shedding its skin. If we resist, endings happen anyway: our businesses go under, our loves leave us, our bodies break down, our cherished elders inevitably pass on. Such painful passages awaken our greatest fears so they can finally be defeated.
Is the Distant Dwarf signalling its true intent by revealing an unmistakable planet-sized Valentine? Scientists estimate part of the heart's age at a very young 100 million years since its left side has few craters. The right side terrain is less distinct, probably older, with more fractures from colliding meteors. Pluto, now in Capricorn, sign of geography and career, is transforming our lives in remarkable ways.
How would life be if we treated Earth with the respect it richly deserves? If we chose careers we were passionate about? If we loved with open hearts? I imagine Pluto's message to us floundering Earthlings: Love more. Control less.
The crises we inevitably attract are so much more manageable when we dare to wear our hearts on our sleeves. When we refuse to close those hearts, especially while saving the whales.
To explore this powerful Dwarf Planet's transformation in your life, contact Kathryn, Pluto Specialist and Astro-Counselor since 1991.
This dwarf has a big heart - literally. New Horizon's probe recently captured a lovely heart shape over 1000 miles wide on its surface, the distance from Denver to Chicago. The black shadow below and to the left of the white heart has been dubbed 'The Whale'. These two shapes seem to illustrate Pluto's essence, the struggle to integrate dark and light in our psyches. Discovered in 1930, Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and the death, transformation and rebirth cycle recognized in all cultures.
When we take our first breaths, the electromagnetic frequencies of entities like Pluto are said to be encoded in our newborn bodies. If, for example, years later, orbiting Saturn crosses the place where Venus was at our birth, our lives on Earth reflect that. Imagine: a planet travels over a point where another was 38 years ago and it somehow affects us today. The further away the planet, the longer we feel its effects. Slow moving Pluto takes 248 years to complete its orbit.
Perhaps this gigantic heart on Pluto's surface is a clue, because nothing in space seems to have more impact on our lives than the Dwarf Planet. When Pluto affects a natal planet, the area that planet represents undergoes major renovation. If Mars, the lessons might include: tempering our ego; releasing repressed anger; treating our bodies better; being less selfish; rejuvenating our sex lives; facing our deepest fears; learning to be alone; starting scary new ventures. Getting real about what we truly want. It's a lot to ask! When the dust settles a year later, we have vanquished those dark shadows. We are stronger, more direct and more focused. The price Pluto extracts is having to let go.
With the precision of a surgeon's knife, Pluto cuts away what has atrophied in our lives. People. Beliefs. Jobs. Fears. Possessions. Habits. It's time to grow as the snake does by shedding its skin. If we resist, endings happen anyway: our businesses go under, our loves leave us, our bodies break down, our cherished elders inevitably pass on. Such painful passages awaken our greatest fears so they can finally be defeated.
Is the Distant Dwarf signalling its true intent by revealing an unmistakable planet-sized Valentine? Scientists estimate part of the heart's age at a very young 100 million years since its left side has few craters. The right side terrain is less distinct, probably older, with more fractures from colliding meteors. Pluto, now in Capricorn, sign of geography and career, is transforming our lives in remarkable ways.
How would life be if we treated Earth with the respect it richly deserves? If we chose careers we were passionate about? If we loved with open hearts? I imagine Pluto's message to us floundering Earthlings: Love more. Control less.
The crises we inevitably attract are so much more manageable when we dare to wear our hearts on our sleeves. When we refuse to close those hearts, especially while saving the whales.
To explore this powerful Dwarf Planet's transformation in your life, contact Kathryn, Pluto Specialist and Astro-Counselor since 1991.